Courier Direct logo
Nationwide Same Day Courier Service
Nationwide Same Day Courier Service
Courier Direct | Shift Courier
London : 0208 629 3001
Bristol :    0117 952 1111

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Company Profile

Courier Direct now part of Shift Courier / Shift Group

The original fleet of just 2 transit vans has grown to meet the ever expanding customer demand. And today, the once Bristol based courier service has transformed into one of the countries leading National couriers.

A better way of guaranteeing deliveries, and providing a more reliable, quality courier service built on the backbone of the Shift Platform and its extensive fleets and individual drivers

Our extensive fleet gives us the flexibility to allocate the right size vans to your jobs, so we’re moving goods as efficiently as possible.

We’re passionate about our business, it’s built on a solid infrastructure, experience, with a customer focused ethic.

Courier Direct  Logo


Courier Van

Courier Vehicles

Size Matters
Make sure you request the correct van size.

Small Van

Payload between 500 - 900kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 0


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Short Wheel Base

Payload between 900 - 1,200kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 2


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Medium Van

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 2


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Large Van

Payload between 1,200 - 2,000kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 3


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Need something bigger ?

Extra Long Wheel Base


Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 4


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Luton Van

Box Van

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 4


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7.5 Tonne

Tail Lift or Curtain Sider

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 10


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18 Tonne

Tail Lift or Curtain Sider

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 16


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